Dog from yuri on ice

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The only source of relief disappeared as Phichit flopped into a chair and pulled the fan around to face him. “It’s nice to see you too, but it’s far too hot for lap dogs.” “Hi Hyun Ki,” Yuri said, attempting to push off the dog. “Did Seung-gil come back early or someth…” Yuri started before he found himself with a lap full of husky. The sound of a key in the lock, then the creak of hinges. Yuri was content to let lethargy take over allow the whirr of the fan lull him to sleep when pounding on the door jolted him.

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Despite wearing his shortest shorts and a thin tee, and having the fan blowing right on him, nothing beat the heat.Ī whine sounded from the floor and he let his arm drape over the edge of the couch to ruffle his fingers through the thick fur of his toy poodle, Vicchan. Yuri leaned back on the couch, attempting to move as little as possible.